School Uniform
All children attending Langford Village Academy wear our school uniform.
You are now able to be able to buy uniform online from our supplier
We consider it to be comfortable and value for money.
You can purchase
- Sweatshirts
- Sweat Cardigans
- White Polo shirts with school logo
- PE T-Shirts: Navy, Blue, Red, Yellow and Green House Colours with school logo
Simply order online via the link or alternatively you can call on 01923 255525 or email: if you require more information.
Only items that are marked essential need to be purchased through our supplier, all other items can be purchased from several retail outlets such as supermarkets and departments stores.
It is expected that the children can start wearing summer uniform after the Easter school holidays.
Second-hand uniform is available to purchase through the PTFA school uniform drive. You can contact the PTFA via email :
Winter Uniform
Grey Trousers, Grey skirt or Pinafore |
White Polo Shirt |
Sweatshirt or cardigan with logo (essential item) |
Plain Dark Socks or Grey Tights |
Black School Shoes |
Summer Uniform
Grey Shorts, Blue Checked Dress or as above |
White Polo Shirt |
Sweatshirt or cardigan with logo (essential item) |
Plain Dark or White socks |
Black School Shoes or closed toe sandals |
PE Uniform
Blue PE shorts (Not Cycle Shorts or Skirts as they are not suitable) |
House Colour T-shirt with Logo (essential item) |
Navy Blue Tracksuit for outside PE |
Trainers for outside PE (including socks especially if wearing tights that day!) |
Please make sure all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child's name. If your child loses any items of clothing please ask to check our lost property store.